Honorary Chapter Regent, Enameled

Item: PS0031

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Maximum file size is 524288KB,

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Please allow 8 to 10 weeks for approval, engraving, and delivery.

Honorary Chapter Regent status may be bestowed upon a chapter's past regent only by chapter election and if chapter bylaws allow. A copy of the approved chapter meeting minutes documenting the election of the honorary chapter regent must be sent to the Office of Organizing Secretary General at chapterservices@dar.org for inclusion in the member's eMembership record immediately upon election. Once the member's eMembership record has been updated, the pin may be ordered. Approved chapter minutes may also be uploaded when ordering the pin. However, a delay may occur if Organizing has not updated the member's record to reflect her status as an honorary chapter regent.

This pin may only be worn by DAR members on the official Insignia ribbon according to the most current "Placement of DAR Insignia and Pins on Official Ribbon" document found on the Insignia Committee webpage.

This gold-filled pin measures 1 3/4" x 1/2".

The name of the chapter is required engraving on this pin. Please note, the words "Chapter", "DAR", or "NSDAR" will not be engraved. If additional text is included, your order may be delayed as we correct your details.



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