Q: When can I expect my gift card to be mailed?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have physical gift cards that are mailed out, but instead e-gift certificates that are gift codes emailed to the recipient that can be entered during the online checkout process.
Q: Is there a minimum purchase amount and does the gift certificate ever expire?
A: Any amount between $10 to $1000 can be purchased. The gift certificate remains valid for 1825 days (5 years), after which it expires, and all remaining funds are forfeited.
Q: Can this gift certificate be used in-person at the store or at a pop-up shop?
A: No, this gift certificate can only be used for online purchases/transactions through the DAR shopping site shop@dar.org
Q: Can I add a special message to the gift certificate for the recipient?
A: Yes, you can add a special message to the “Optional Message” section. This will allow your message to appear on the gift certificate. There is a 500-character limit for messages.
Q: I want to purchase a gift certificate for a contest winner, but the recipient’s name is unknown, or I want to hand the gift certificate to the recipient?
A: If you have not identified the recipient (prize/raffle winner, unknown guest) or if you would like to hand the certificate to the recipient, you can enter your email address in the "Recipient's Email" section and have the certificate emailed to you for you to print and hand to the recipient.
Q: I’m having a problem entering the gift code?
A: For best results and to prevent entering the wrong letter or number, it is best to cut & paste the gift certificate code into the “Coupon or Gift Certificate” section of the payment page.
Q: I’ve misplaced my gift certificate; can another be sent to me another?
A: Yes, you can send us an email at shopping@dar.org along with your name and email address and once verified, we will send it to you again.
For all other questions, please contact us at shopping@dar.org