DAR's Americana Collection houses manuscripts and imprints pertaining to the history of Colonial America, the Revolutionary War period and the Early National period to 1830. The collection is also home to diaries, letters, household inventories, samples of colonial-era currency, court records, birth and marriage records, land deeds and grants and military documents. The Americana Collection is intended for research use by DAR members, staff, and by the general public, including students.
Members who donate $100 or more to Friends of the Americana Collection are eligible to purchase and wear this Friends of the Americana Collection pin on the official DAR Insignia ribbon. Individuals who wish to purchase this pin must contribute to the Friends of the Americana Collection by either: making a single donation of at least $100, or as a Sustaining Supporter, contributing continuous donations reaching the minimum of $100. Approval is required to purchase this pin.
When this donor pin is worn by DAR members on the official Insignia ribbon, it must be placed according to the most current "Placement of DAR Insignia and Pins on Official Ribbon" document found on the Insignia Committee webpage.
When not worn on the official ribbon, DAR members may only wear this donation pin as a brooch, not on a right-side ribbon. When non-members wear this donation pin, they should demonstrate pride in all DAR stands for by wearing it only when dressed nicely and in a respectful manner.
This pin may be purchased in goldfilled or sterling silver, and it measures 7/8" x 1 1/4". Members may choose which metal type they prefer to showcase.
To learn more about the Americana Collection and other DAR collections, please visit the DAR Headquarters webpage.