E-Book-Rhode Island in the American Revolution (PDF)


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Rhode Island in the American Revolution: A Source Guide for Genealogists and Historians provides detailed information on the availability of manuscript and archival material that exists for the Ocean State for the period of the Revolutionary War along with listings of historical and genealogical studies that have been published and which supplement the original sources. It is the most extensive gathering of such information ever published, and researchers will find it an essential resource with which to identify materials and studies located in many scattered libraries and archives.

The PDF comprises more than 550 pages including table of contents, text pages, map pages, and an index to the text. As a copyrighted work, this PDF is licensed for your limited, personal, non-assignable, and non-transferable use only to view and use a single copy of the content on your personal computer/laptop for non-commercial, home use only. It may not be re-sold, posted online on any website, or given away to others. Once your payment is verified, you will receive an email with a special download link to the PDF of the book. Should you not receive an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder before contacting the DAR Store.

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